I've been teaching elementary general music classes at Dublin Christian Academy two days a week, and what a joy that has been! I have thirty-eight little munchkins, and besides drowning in lesson plans, it's turning out to be such an adventure.
Second to last semester at Keene State College. Hard to believe this journey is coming to an end! Remember that first semester of college that felt like you'd be working on this degree ALL YOUR LIFE? It's so funny!
I've gotten the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Matthew Leese this semester... he's a fantastic professor of music at Keene State College, and an incredible musician and teacher. He's been my private conducting instructor, and I must tell you, honing in on the craft of conducting has been transformative for my musicianship. It's so much harder than I thought it would be, but I know that it's good to do hard things, and I guess I would rather be challenged than bored! My project this semester is Dan Forrest's "And Can It Be" which is a breathtaking piece, and I've been working with the Keene State College Concert Choir. Check out a link of our first performance at the Einbeck-Keene cultural exchange concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slzc5pGyhBA&feature=youtu.be
Current composing projects: four-hand piano commission, orchestration for Keene State College Orchestral readings next semester, second vocal piece in my song cycle collaboration with Amy Becker
Final Thoughts
Not gonna lie, it's been hard to compose lately. Between the juggle of homework, new jobs such as DCA, and senior recital prep, I feel like I don't have any time to sit down and let the creative juices flow... but I also know that's real life! Hopefully things will calm down soon. I do feel it's really important to keep writing somehow. Wish me luck!